Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween 2006

For Halloween this year we went to the Westfield Topanga Mall in Woodland Hills to trick o' treat. We picked up Toni and met Araxi and her son Alex, Julie, and her two girls Emily and Clair. We even took Samantha with us because Katy and Juan Carlos couldn't make it tonight due to a family emergency.

We had a lot of FUN until the malls security stopped Phil to tell him that he couldn't wear his helmet nor have his "fake and plastic laser gun" with him in the mall for Halloween due to mall policy. So of course we all got upset especially Phil and Toni and they had to speak to a supervisor but to make a long story short...it was mall policy. What kills us is that there were a bunch of other people (kids and adults) wearing helmets and masks as well but they were only singling out certain people...I'm assuming adults. And they could totally tell that Phil was with his family and 3 other women with their kids... ay...yi...yi!! So Phil had to hold his helmet and laser gun in his hand for the rest of the evening...ugh! I felt horrible because Phil worked so hard on his costume for weeks...he made the entire costume himself and for this to happen to him...well I just felt really bad. But what made his night and ours... was that everyone (adults and kids) in the mall was coming up to him and saying how awesome his costume was and also wanting to take pictures with him! After that fiasco was dealt with...we had a nice dinner at Red Robin and took some more pictures.

We then went to Toni's neighborhood in Sherman Oaks to trick o'treat some more and check out this awesome Halloween display which this guy does every single year. All in all the kids got a bunch of candy and we all had a wonderful time. (Click here for pics)


Unknown said...

Awe, que CUTE!

Anonymous said...

Great photos! Too bad about Phil's costume/mall incident. So much has changed because of terrorism and violence...what a pity. But glad you had fun nonetheless!

Anonymous said...

Looks Great...!

Anonymous said...

Alex and I had so much fun!! thanks for inviting us! Phils costume ROCKED! He was such a celebrity and with any celebrity there are hateraters.

Alex said...

Yay I see your updating your blog these days! Love the pics from Halloween, such a bummer about phils costume!! TFS!!