Friday, September 29, 2006

First Day of School!

We couldn't believe how early school started this year...August 28th...huh??? It had never started that early before but after being home all summer...they were so ready to head back and we couldn't wait to get back on a regular schedule again...LOL.

Kaitlin is starting the 4th grade this year and her teacher's name is Ms. Mulloy. She seemed to be a very popular teacher on the first day of school. Kids kept coming up to her and giving her hugs all morning. As a mom, that was so nice to see and very comforting that the kids liked her very much.

Nathan is starting Kindergarten at the big kids school this year at William McKinley with his sister. We were so bummed to find out that Mrs. Olin (Kaitlin's Kindergarten Teacher and wife of our Jr. High School Teacher Mr. John Olin) had just retired last year...but happy for her that she can now relax and enjoy the retired life. Nathan's new teacher is Ms. Cowan and she seemed extremely nice as well. We learned that she used to teach at the Montessouri Schools and once again it was very comforting to know that Nathan was in great hands.

All in all they both really liked their teachers and they had a wonderful first day of school! (Click here for more pictures)


devongirlie said...

What beautiful children!