Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I've Been Tagged!

Toni tagged me so here we go...

Four jobs you have had in your life:
1st job I put up "Chain Link Fences" (if you can believe that). My friend Lynn (who has since passed) did it first and then got me into it. It was "Fun" but really hard work (only did it for a year).

Miller's Outpost
Fasano & Associates - Account Executive
Saint Joseph Medical Center in Burbank - Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer of the hospital

Four movies you would watch over and over:
The Notebook
Pretty Woman
Steel Magnolias

Four places you have lived:
Los Angeles, CA
Burbank, CA
North Hollywood, CA
Burbank, CA (again)

Four TV shows you love to watch:
Grey's Anatomy
Boston Legal
Desperate Housewives

Four places you have been on vacation:

Four websites you visit daily:
Foxy Croppers
2 Peas In a Bucket
Toni's Blog
Lifetime Moments
(there are more that I visit on a daily basis but you only asked for four...lol)

Four of your favorite foods:
Crab with lemon butter (I'm getting hungry)
My parents "Bacallao"
I just had "Sushi" again (didn't have it for almost 10 years now) but I really really liked it a lot

Four places you would rather be right now:
Hawaii with my hubby "Phil"
Cancun with my hubby
In a beach house scrappin with my friends
Looking out from the Eiffel Tower (ahhhh...one day)