Wednesday, August 09, 2006

This summer was absolutely CRAZY for me...

I am the "Biggest Loser" for not posting sooner but boy... did I have the busiest summer in a very long time.

It all started with Kaitlin and Nathan starting swim classes for the whole summer the week after school ended...which was the 3rd week of June. They had such a wonderful time swimming was great to watch them have sooooooooooooo much "FUN". (Click here for pics)

The end of June I had a wedding to attend. It was for my cousin Luis and Stephanie Gascon. It was a beautiful wedding...Stephanie was absolutely radiant. I had so much fun spending the day with family and friends and taking pictures for the event. Click here for pics).

The day right after the wedding I co-hosted a baby shower for my niece Vicky with my Sister-In-Law Marissa and my niece Katy. All I can remember on that day was that it was so frekin HOT...but we managed to get everything set up and have a wonderful time. Marissa and Katy made all the delicious food and we all helped clean, set-up, decorate and I also took pictures. (Click here for pics)

Kaitlin had her very 1st Basketball Camp at Jordan Middle School and she absolutely loved it. She liked it so much that she asked to be on a team so we told her that we would call the park and rec to find out when Basketball season starts. She's only in 4th grade and already wants to go to she cracks me up.(Click here for pics)

Nathan also had his very 1st Baseball Camp at McCambridge Park this summer and he had a fantastic time as well. He also requested to be on a Baseball team come Baseball season...
and so it (Click here for pics)

Well, I knew that one day it would come but I had no idea it would come this SOON!!! Phil and I attended my 20th High School Reunion. YEESH...I can't believe it's been 20 years already... time has sure flown. It was held on July 22, 2006 at the Glendale Hilton Hotel. We had a wonderful time seeing old friends and getting caught up everyone...we're so glad we went. John Burroughs High School - Class of 1986 - 20th Reunion (Click here for Pics)

The second wedding of the summer was for our really good friends Howard and Rina Nehdar. The wedding took place on the roof-top of the Marriott Hotel in the Marina. They picked a beautiful day to get married and the view was absolutely breathtaking. (Click here for Pics)


Jojo* said...

Hi Susy,
Thanks for sharing your photos with us. I enjoyed looking at them. And yes- i am still up for lunch or dinner sometime soon! or maybe even some scrapping.

Take care